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We Say:
HORNE specialize in high-quality, beautiful home decor and furnishings. Each piece is carefully and painstakingly selected by HORNE owners Ryan Walker and Alissa Parker. The store features a beautiful, custom-built design, as well as a plethora of features and components, such as a custom built Wedding & Gift Registry, automated integration with HORNE's fulfilment house, a Blog, a Featured Products JQUERY Slideshow, and integration with Bongo.
They Say:
“While preparing for the creation of our online boutique, we spent countless hours researching & interviewing a multitude of companies and organizations in order to select the best eCommerce solution for our given needs. We considered everything from in-house coding staff to the most basic shopping cart solutions. Ultimately we decided upon MyCommerce and looking back it is easy to say that is one of the the best decisions we have ever made. The MyCommerce team have continually provided the perfect balance between service, features, expertise and cost.
“Over the past several years, HORNE has evolved radically and this evolution has demanded more powerful features, a higher level of functionality and greater control over our site. MyCommerce has met each and every challenge with an energy and passion that is rarely found these days. Whatever we have thrown at them (and there have been some strange requests), MyCommerce has always come up with a creative and cost-effective solution to our problem. Without a doubt, HORNE would not be where it is today if it were not for the MyCommerce team.”
~ Ryan Walker - Co-creator - HORNE LLC